

i saw this woman today and couldn’t get a picture but apparently she’s been coming to pride with this sign for at least five years, anyway i love moms

(photo by andy dickinson)

i found more information about her! her name is frances goldin, and she’s a longtime new york activist and literary agent focusing on progressive works. she’s 92 years old and she’s been carrying this sign for not just five years, but at least 22 years! i found a few sources from the ’90s mentioning her and the sign, and this photo dated 1994:

and in 1997 she was quoted in the washington post:

“I adore my lesbian daughters, keep them safe,” said a sign held by 73-year-old Frances Goldin, who said society allows discrimination against gays and lesbians. She said her two daughters were marching in the parades in Portland, Ore., and San Francisco. Goldin said people had approached her with their phone numbers, asking: “Can I adopt you as my mother?”

She said she’ll call them. “Difference enriches us all,” she said.