list of all the shit Hope Estheim went through:


Because I am convinced he suffered the most in the FFXIII series and probably needs professional help

  1. Bad relationship with dad, and mum takes him on vacation. During vacation, the Purge happens, and he’s essentially exiled from his planet
  2. On said vacation, his mother dies in front of his eyes with him being able to do absolutely nothing about it
  3. He gets branded into a l’Cie and made an enemy of literally all of his planet
  4. While the others (Snow, Sazh, Light, Vanille, Fang) were all somewhat involved with the fal’Cie and wanted something out of it, Hope was just a kid who happened to be at the wrong spot at the wrong time. He gets stuck with Sazh, Vanille and Light. Sazh is nice but kinda gave up, Vanille is basically “WHAT IS A PROBLEM” and Light is *AGGRESSIVELY DENYING EMOTIONS*
  5. Hope suffers trauma from witnessing his mother’s death, and blames Snow, setting him on a destructive route of revenge (he gets better though)
  6. Tags along with Lightning: Lightning tries to  shake him off at every single given opportunity. (Becomes big sis to him later on)
  7. Even after making things up with Light, Snow and his dad, he’s still a wanted fugitive!
  8. He has incredibly low self-confidence and thinks he’s bringing the team down and begs them to leave him behind. They refuse, he gets Alexander, becomes the literal hope of the team, finally gets what seems like a happy ending…
  9. …and then Final Fantasy XIII-2 happened because Etro fucked up
  10. His dad dies at the age of 24. His only family, gone.
  11. And at this time, all of his close friends disappeared, leaving him alone! 
  12. At age 24-ish, finds Noel and Serah and is finally ecstatic about having a friend in his life because the other friend he has is Alyssa and she’s not that great of a friend (let’s all admit that)
  13. He tries to help Noel and Serah but he kinda messes up the future and timeline more than once (mostly fixed though)
  14. Can’t time travel himself, so he basically cryogenically freezes himself to go 500 years into the future. The only person he takes is his assistant, Alyssa, and everyone who he loves is truly, and utterly dead at this point, or disappeared, so nothing is holding him back!
  15. Said trusted assistant tries to kill him. Multiple times in different timelines. One time succeeding.
  16. Builds an ark for humanity to stay safe in. Too bad for him! Because…
  17. ….Lightning Returns happened and chaos destroyed the world! And now all of humanity is living in the Ark ironically named Bhunivelze. He, along with Noel and Snow, establish the Conseil de Renaissance, to attempt to curb the chaos
  18. Needless to say, it doesn’t work out very well, and Noel and Snow both kinda go insane. Hope does research on chaos in the Ark with his comrades…until they start disappearing…
  19. …and said disappearances are caused by an illusion of one of his dearest friends (Light). And Hope is alone…again.
  20. And this specific rose-haired phantom illusion enters his dreams and tortures him for several decades until he can no longer tell reality from fiction
  21. He finally snaps when all of his friends disappear, and the rose-haired phantom leads him to be kidnapped by Bhunivelze
  22. The insane god tortures him for 169 years literally recreating his flesh into a “purer” form, aka 14 year old Hope, much to the dismay of adult!Hope fangirls.
  23. Has to help his best friend to save the world, while being possessed by Bhunivelze, and knowing that he will be discarded, and his very soul destroyed
  24. Never tells this to said best friend until the last day, breaking all our hearts by saying that he had no regrets from this
  26. Chooses to go back to save Light, pretty much turning his back on an opportunity to be with his family again
  27. He finally gets a freaking break and is happy in the new world! That’s what you thought! But nope! He hasn’t seen Lightning in months, has no idea where she is, and is very, very sad. The only consolation is that it’s implied that the person Lightning was going to see in the ending of LR was Hope.

tl;dr, Hope suffered too much and deserves a hug